PPU examples

This guide contains instructions for successful compilations of the following projects using HighTec LLVM toolchain version 8.0.0:





It assumes that one of the projects has been imported into the current workspace.

The following changes are required before the first project build attempt:

  • Wait until the indexer finishes.

  • Right-click on the project, then Project updater  Update iLLD  Finish.

  • Right-click on the project and click on Refresh.

  • Wait until the indexer finishes.

  • Add the Lcf_Hightec_Tricore_Ppu.lsl linker script specifically adapted for the PPU use case.

PPU MetaWare build configuration

The following changes are required to build the PPU project for the existing PPU Debug (Ext. MetaWare) build configuration:

  • Right-click on the project, then Build Configurations  Set Active  PPU Debug (Ext. MetaWare).

  • Right-click on the project, then Properties  C/C++ Build  Settings  Settings. Update MetaWare Installation Path to, i.e., "C:\HighTec\toolchains\mwaurix\v0.2.0" and click on Apply and close.

  • Click on the project, then Properties  C/C++ Build  Behavior. Disable parallel build by unchecking the "enable parallel build" checkbox, then click on Apply and close. Optionally, configure the option "use optimal jobs" to "use parallel jobs" and set the value to be lower or equal to the physical cores of the used laptop. This is not a fail-proof option, and one might encounter a compiler crash during the build.

  • One by one, right-click on the following directories/files, then Resource Configuration  Exclude from build  Select your build configuration and click OK (some may already have been disabled).
    /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/Csrm, /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/Scr
    /Libraries/Infra/Ssw/TC49A/Csrm, /Libraries/Infra/Ssw/TC49A/Tricore
    AllowAccess.c, PpuInterface.c
    Cpu0_Main.c, Cpu1_Main.c, Cpu2_Main.c, Cpu3_Main.c, Cpu4_Main.c, Cpu5_Main.c

  • Build the PPU project.

TriCore™ external LLVM build configuration

The following changes are required to build the Tricore project part:

  • Right-click on the project, then Build Configurations  Manage  New

    • Give any name

    • Select the option Import predefined, then TriCore Application  External  LLVM  Debug and click OK.

  • Set the newly created configuration to active by clicking on Set Active.

  • Wait until the indexer finishes.

  • Edit the build settings: right-click on the project Properties  C/C++ Build  Settings

    • Click on Settings and Update Path to the LLVM bin directory even though it is not used later on, i.e., "C:\HighTec\toolchains\tricore\v8.0.0\bin" and click on Apply.

    • Under the options for LLVM C Compiler, click on "Miscellaneous" and add -merrata=cpu141, click on Apply.

    • Click on LLVM Linker, extend the command string with -merrata=cpu141 to clang -merrata=cpu141 and click on Apply.

    • Click on LLVM Linker  Miscellaneous  Add -lhtcos. Then click on Ok and Apply.

    • Click on LLVM Linker  General and change Linker Script name to ../Lcf_Hightec_Tricore_Ppu.lsl and click on Apply and close.

  • Right-click on the project, then Properties  AURIX Development Studio  AURIX Build Booster  Libraries paths  Delete /Libraries/iLLD if present and click on Apply and close.

  • Right-click on the project, then Properties  AURIX Development Studio  AURIX Build Booster  Ignore paths  Add the following folders and click on Apply and close.
    /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/ArcEV, /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/Csrm, /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/Scr

  • Right-click on the project, then Properties  C/C++ General  Paths and Symbols  Includes  GNU C, and ensure that the include paths do not contain any of the following directories and their subdirectories, click on Apply and close.
    /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/ArcEV, /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/Csrm, /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/Scr

  • One by one, Right-click on the following directories, then Resource Configuration  Exclude from build  Select your build configuration and click OK (some may already have been disabled).
    /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/ArcEV, /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/Csrm, /Libraries/iLLD/TC49A/Scr

  • Change the definition of uncached data/bss sections in Cpu0_Main.c due to the warning: unknown pragma ignored [-Wunknown-pragmas]

    • Change uncached.lmubss section definition (applies to iLLD_TC49xA_ADS_PPU-IPC, iLLD_TC49xA_ADS_PPU-IRQ, and iLLD_TC49xA_ADS_PPU-STU)

      #pragma section all "uncached.lmubss"
      /* Declaration of global uninitialized variables */
      #pragma section all


      #if defined(__HIGHTEC__) && defined(__clang__)
      #pragma clang section bss=".uncached.lmubss"
      #else #pragma section all "uncached.lmubss"
      /* Declaration of global uninitialized variables */
      #if defined(__HIGHTEC__) && defined(__clang__)
      #pragma clang section bss=""
      #pragma section all "uncached.lmubss"
    • Change uncached.lmudata section definition (applies to iLLD_TC49xA_ADS_PPU-STU):

      #pragma section all "uncached.lmudata"
      /* Definition of global initialized variables */
      #pragma section all "uncached.lmudata"


      #if defined(__HIGHTEC__) && defined(__clang__)
      #pragma clang section data=".uncached.lmudata"
      #pragma section all "uncached.lmudata"
      /* Definition of global initialized variables */
      #if defined(__HIGHTEC__) && defined(__clang__)
      #pragma clang section data=""
      #pragma section all "uncached.lmudata"
    • Change the following code in AllowAccess.c due to the warning: non-portable path to file; specified path differs in case from file name on disk [-Wnonportable-include-path]:

      #include "IfxCpu_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxGtm_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxEgtm_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxQspi_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxCan_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxAsclin_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxSent_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxGpt12_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxI2c_Cfg.h"
      #include "IfxGeth_Cfg.h"


      #include "IfxCpu_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxGtm_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxEgtm_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxQspi_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxCan_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxAsclin_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxSent_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxGpt12_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxI2c_cfg.h"
      #include "IfxGeth_cfg.h"
  • Build TriCore™ project.