How to use

Original implementation

The original implementation uses a variadic macro defined in PXROS-HR API.

Code 1. Handler definitions
#include <stdarg.h>

int myHandler0()
    return 0; /* indicate success */

int myHandler1(int arg1)
    return 0; /* indicate success */

int myHandler2(int arg1, int arg2)
    return 0; /* indicate success */

int myHandlerX(int arg_cnt, ...)
    va_list list;
    va_start(list, arg_cnt);
    int sum = 0;
    int *out_arg = va_arg(list, int *);

    for (int i = 0; i < (arg_cnt - 1); i++)
        sum += va_arg(list, int);

    *out_arg = sum;
    return 0; /* indicate success */
Code 2. Example of calling different handlers
 /* The _PxHndcall() expects at least three arguments:
  *   1) the function/handler to be called
  *   2) the Task ID (required even if not used)
  *   3) size of the arguments (required even if not used)
  * There can be any number of additional arguments that
  * will be passed to the handler. */

#define UNUSED_TID	0  /* TASK ID - argument not used */
#define UNUSED_VARSIZE	0  /* VARIABLE SIZE - argument not used */

int arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, sum; /* Handler's arguments */

PxArg_t retval; /* Handler's return value. For simplicity not checked here. */

/* Calling myHandler0(void), i.e. handler that does not take arguments */
retval = _PxHndcall(myHandler0, UNUSED_TID, UNUSED_VARSIZE);

/* Calling myHandler1(int), i.e. handler accepting one argument */
retval = _PxHndcall(myHandler1, UNUSED_TID, UNUSED_VARSIZE, arg1);

/* Calling myHandler2(int, int), i.e. handler accepting two arguments */
retval = _PxHndcall(myHandler2, UNUSED_TID, UNUSED_VARSIZE, arg1, arg2);

/* Calling myHandlerX(int, ...), i.e. handler accepting any number of arguments */
retval = _PxHndcall(myHandlerX, UNUSED_TID, UNUSED_VARSIZE,
                    6 /* nr. of args */, &sum, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

New implementation


Pass a variadic function as a handler

int _PxHndcallVA(int (*hnd)(va_list), ...);


  • hnd — function to execute with supervisor privileges

  • …​ — argument list of the variadic handler function

Return value:

  • Return value of the function executed in supervisor mode


The function hnd will be called with supervisor privileges with the pointer to the arguments passed on the stack as its argument.

Code 3. Example definition and usage of a variadic handler function
#include <stdarg.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* The handler function must use the C calling convention */
int handler_function(va_list ap);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* A sample handler function using 3 arguments */
int handler_function(va_list ap)
    int arg1 = va_arg(ap, int);
    int arg2 = va_arg(ap, int);
    int arg3 = va_arg(ap, int);


    return 0; /* indicate success */

/* A task function */
void task_function(PxTask_t myID, PxMbx_t myMailbox, PxEvents_t myActEvents)

    /* Call the handler function with 3 arguments */
    _PxHndcallVA(handler_function, arg1, arg2, arg3);



Pass a function with pointer argument as a handler

int _PxHndcallPTR(int (*hnd)(void *), void *arg);


  • hnd — function to execute with supervisor privileges

  • arg — argument of the handler function (pointer)

Return value:

  • Return value of the function executed in supervisor mode


The function hnd will be called in supervisor mode with arg as its argument.

Code 4. Example definition and usage of a handler function with one pointer argument
/* Structure to pass several values to the handler function */
typedef struct {
    int arg1;
    int arg2;
    int arg3;
} hndarg_t;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* The handler function must use the C calling convention */
int handler_function(hndarg_t *p);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* A sample handler function expecting pointer to a structure */
int handler_function(hndarg_t *p)
    int arg1 = p->arg1; /* Readning input value from calling task */
    p->arg2 = OUTPUT_VALUE; /* Passing output value to calling task */
    return 0; /* indicate success */

/* A task function */
void task_function(PxTask_t myID, PxMbx_t myMailbox, PxEvents_t myActEvents)

    /* Initialize the argument structure */
    hndarg_t arg;
    arg.arg1 = INPUT_VALUE;

    /* Call the handler function with a pointer to the argument structure */
    _PxHndcallPTR(handler_function, &arg);
