Task Release Service

The Task Release Service is a custom user-implemented service responsible for cleaning up the task system context of the tasks terminated by the PxDie() function. The PXROS-HR requires assigning a task as a service task, so the kernel can signal the PXSERVICE_TASK_DIED event to the service task when a task dies.

The Task Release Service has to be started on each core where tasks are intended to be terminated. A task must be assigned as a service task by calling PxServiceTaskInit(), which means that it starts receiving PXSERVICE_TASK_DIED events that are signalled from successful PxDie() calls.

For calling PxServiceTaskInit(), a task must have PXACCESS_SYSTEM_CONTROL task access rights.

This document chapter describes an overview of the Task Release Service utility. For more detailed information, please have a look at Task Termination Application Note and TC39x Task Termination Example. Even though these documents are meant for TriCore, the information mentioned applies to ARM, too.