ISV Options File

The ISV options file lets you control which users should have access to the licenses. The HighTec ISV options file has a set name which is "hightec-rt.opt". This file should be kept in the same directory as your license file. The opt file can be generated automatically through the RLM web-interface (see further down the page) or created manually.

This information can be found in the "RLM License Administration" manual (see Chapter 'The ISV Options File' - p.70). The manual is intended for license administrators at organizations using RLM licensed products. The RLM license manual can be found here,

The ISV options file lets you configure your license server to, for example, only serve licenses to specific users or countries. You can also use the ISV options file to dedicate license pools for development or build servers.

ISV Options File General Example

Here is an example of how to set up a license pool to only serve a specific group of users.

In the ISV options file, you need to:

  • Create a group of users (the users that should have access to the license), this can be based on IP addresses, user names, etc., for example:

GROUP IT_users user1 user2 (you need to name the users according to their identification)

  • Set up the parameters of the access to the license, that is, the options for these users. For example:

INCLUDE tricore-gcc GROUP IT_users _id=20

  • The INCLUDE line simply incidates that only the users listed can access this licese pool. (There are other options available apart from INCLUDE that can be found in the RLM manual).

  • The tag "_id=20" is important, but the number is arbitrary.

    • Add the same tag to the license file. For example:

LICENSE hightec-rt tricore-gcc 2023.07 permanent 1 share=u client_cache=300 _id=20 client_cache=300 max_roam_count=0 start=07-mar-2023 platforms="x64_l x86_l" contract=SENxxxxx replace options=ver=4.9.x

  • Adding this tag to the license file can be done without HighTec needing to verify the change.

  • If you want to remove these specifications you can delete the entries, or the whole ISV options file.

The easiest way to create and edit the ISV options file is to do it via the RLM web-interface.

  1. in a web browser, enter http://<host_name>:<port_number>

  2. log in to the RLM web interface.

  3. click status icon.

  4. You will see a bar stating: "ISV servers". Under "OPTIONS", click the button called: "hightec-rt".

  5. You will now see a blank space called "Edit ISV Options". Fill in the preferred options according to the pattern stated above.

  6. Click Update Options.

  7. Restart your license server.

ISV Options File Advanced Example

# GROUP [groupName] [add users with space in between]
# , e.g. GROUP someGroupName user1 user2
# INCLUDE [feature=tricore-gcc always for HighTec TriCore] GROUP [groupName] _id=[id number for license pool]
# , e.g., INCLUDE tricore-gcc GROUP someGroupName _id=20
# (_id=10 for CI and _id=20 for Developer)
# "Naming convention"
# for CI : [type]_[Stakeholder]
# for Developer : [type]_[Stakeholder]_[department]_[location]
# , example1: ci_xxx (for CI licenses, xxx stakeholder)
# , example2: dev_xxx_94xxx_got (for Developer licenses, xxx stakeholder, 94xxx department and SITE:Gothenburg)

### CI License
# CI, GLOBAL, WINDOWS license pool
# All stakeholder groups with respectively accounts
GROUP ci_exx epxxx epsxxx
GROUP ci_bxx autoxxx
GROUP ci_vxx vdxx
INCLUDE tricore-gcc GROUP ci_exx _id=10
INCLUDE tricore-gcc GROUP ci_bxx _id=10
INCLUDE tricore-gcc GROUP ci_vxx _id=10

### DEVELOPER License
# Developer, GLOBAL, WINDOWS license pool
# All stakeholder groups with respectively accounts
# EPS Stakeholder Groups - All Gothenburg.
GROUP dev_exx_97xxx abxxx acxxx cbxxx dkxxx jhxxx naxxx vgxxx
GROUP dev_exx_97xxx aaxxx axxx axxx asxxx bxxx ifxxx jxxx kbxxx vxxx wxxx
GROUP dev_exx_97xxx axxx anxxx cxxx dvixxx eexxx kxxx mxxx nxxx pxxx pbxxx pkxxx psxxx spxxx tsxxx
INCLUDE tricore-gcc GROUP dev_exx_97xxx _id=20
INCLUDE tricore-gcc GROUP dev_exx_97xxx _id=20
INCLUDE tricore-gcc GROUP dev_exx_97xxx _id=20