
Roaming is the function you want to use if you need to remove your machine from the network where the license server is stored. Roaming also enables you to keep using the application while being offline.

For the roaming function to work, you need to be able to locally access the separate roaming license.

Roaming is not a function inherent to your floating-cached licenses, it is an additional service and needs to be added by the HighTec sales team. If you want to use the roaming function and you don’t have a roaming license, please contact

Setting up Roaming

You can set up roaming by using the command roam_checkout in your command terminal.

  1. Enter your license server: enter lic server

  2. Enter the name of your product: enter prod name

  3. Enter the build date: enter build date

  4. Enter the time for how long you wish to roam: enter roam time

You will get a status screen indicating whether the roaming set up was successful or not.
You still need to set up the RLM_LICENSE environmental variable to point to your roaming license.

Setting up Roaming Manually

To manually activate the roaming function, you can follow these steps.

  1. Set RLM_LICENSE=<host_name>@<port_number>;C:\HighTec\Licenses\hightec_roam.lic (or, your user defined directory where the roaming license is located).

  2. Set RLM_ROAM=1 (The amount of days you want to roam)

  3. Do a simple compile command for checking out the license

    1. E.g., tricore-gcc -c -Os test.c -o test.o

  4. Set RLM_LICENSE=C:\HighTec\Licenses\hightec_roam.lic (or, your user defined directory where the roaming license is located).

    1. You should now be able to use the toolchain without being connected to the license server.

To verify the roaming status, you can open a terminal in the license server directory. Set RLM_LICENSE=<host_name>@<port_number> and call rlmutil rlmstat -a.

You will then see that one license is in use, for example:

        hightec-rt license pool status on localhost (port 6004) +
        tricore-gcc v2023.06, pool: 1 +
                count: 1, # reservations: 0, inuse: 1, exp: 31-dec-2022

To end the roaming of the license do the following:

  1. Set RLM_LICENSE=localhost@5053;C:\HighTec\Licenses\hightec_roam.lic (or, your user defined directory where the roaming license is located).

  2. Set RLM_ROAM=-1

  3. Do a simple compile command for checking in the license

    1. E.g., tricore-gcc -c -Os test.c -o test.o.

And calling the same command as above, again in a separate window, you may see something like:

        hightec-rt license pool status on localhost (port 6004)

        tricore-gcc v2023.06, pool: 1
                count: 1, # reservations: 0, inuse: 0, exp: 31-dec-2022