Document history

Version Date Changes to the previous version


October 2023

Initial release of the reference manual


November 2023

  • Add missing APIs for string utility functions

  • Add missing APIs:

    • PxAbortCleanup()

    • PxAbortSetup()

    • PxDelayResched_Pxhnd()

    • PxTaskSignalEvents_Pxhnd()

    • PxInterruptGetName()

    • PxInterruptSetName()

    • PxDealy|Mbx|Mc|Msg|Opool|Pe|To|TaskGetName()

    • PxDelay|Mbx|Mc|Msg|Opool|Pe|To|TaskSetName()

    • PxTaskSuspend_Pxhnd()

    • PxTrace()

  • Update description of the following APIs:

    • PxHndcall()

    • PxHndcallPxArg()

    • PxHndcallVA()

    • PxInit()

    • PxInitcall()

    • PxTaskSetPrio()