Document history

Version Date Changes to the previous version


March 2023

Initial release of the reference manual


October 2023

Added the code usage and code of practice sections. Some addition and reorganization of content


November 2023

  • Add missing APIs for string utility functions

  • Add missing APIs:

    • PxAbortCleanup()

    • PxAbortSetup()

    • PxDelayResched_Pxhnd()

    • PxTaskSignalEvents_Pxhnd()

    • PxInterruptGetName()

    • PxInterruptSetName()

    • PxDealy|Mbx|Mc|Msg|Opool|Pe|To|TaskGetName()

    • PxDelay|Mbx|Mc|Msg|Opool|Pe|To|TaskSetName()

    • PxTaskSuspend_Pxhnd()

    • PxTrace()

  • Update description of the following APIs:

    • PxHndcall()

    • PxInit_Start_Cores()

    • PxInit()

    • PxInitcall()

    • PxTaskSetPrio()