
Hints that can save your time.

Toolchains installation

The HighTec IDE uses the HTC_DEVELOPMENT and HTC_LICENSES system environment variables to manage toolchains and their licenses. It is the toolchain installer (and not the IDE itself) which creates these variables during the installation process. Since all toolchain installations share (or overwrites) these variables, it is strongly recommended to install all HighTec toolchains in a common folder. In this case, the HighTec toolchains installation structure might look like as shown below.

ide directory structure
Fig. 1. Toolchain folder structure

To achieve this folder structure, please check the Into the toolchain directory option during the setup.

ide setup into toolchain
Fig. 2. Toolchain setup

Blank spaces within a paths and file names

The HighTec build relies on the GNU make. As generally known, the GNU make lists are pure strings where any whitespace is considered to be the list separator. That means that paths and file name with spaces can confuse many GNU Make’s built-in functions and cause problems with target execution.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended not use blank spaces in the paths and file names. This includes all Project and Workspace resources and their locations as well as toolchain installation paths.

Code 1. C-compiler invocation
'Invoking: TriCore C Compiler'
"C:\Tools\HighTec\toolchains\tricore\v4.9.1.0/bin/tricore-gcc" -c -I"../h" -fno-common -Os -g3 "src/hello.d" -MT"src/hello.o" -o "src/hello.o" "../src/hello.c" ...

Source code formatting

The code formatting feature of the editor can be helpful to keep the same look and feel of the source code. It ensures that the code looks consistent in your projects no matter who wrote it.

In the HighTec IDE, you can use the automatic formatting triggered by file save. However, formatting the whole file can seriously mess up a diff between two versions of the file. So format edited lines on save might be the right choice if you want the have your code formatted and still be able to see what was changed in your code later on.

You can find this settings under the menu Window  Preferences  C/C++  Editor  Save Actions.

ide format source code
Fig. 3. Save Actions