HighTec Content Manager

The HighTec Content Manager provides you with easy access to the HighTec’s resource cloud repository. You find there project examples, templates and other documents that help you to get up to the speed quickly. You can open the HighTec Content Manager as the separated window from the menu Utilities  Content Manager.

ide content manager main
Fig. 1. HighTec Content Manager
Number Element Description


Query area

You can use this field to enter your search query. Click the btnSendQuery once ready to initiate the search. Chapter Entering the search query gives you more information about the query syntax.


Query hints

A quick overview of the query grammar to help you with your search inputs. Click on the hints view to close it.


Content area

The area where the matching content of your query appears. Try to rephrase your query if the search yields no results.


Content actions

Next actions you may perform on the found content. See the chapter Working with packages for more details.


Cache info

Displays how much space the Content Manager download package cache takes on your disc and option to clear it.


Filter results area

You can filter the results you get from the search query.


Database content provider

You can select the data content provider from the folowing:

  • Online - HighTec Content Provider based on Amazon S3 and DynamoDB web services.

  • Offline - Offline data Content Provider. See How to install offline package.