The graphical user interface (GUI)

This chapter is going to introduce you to the main window of HighTec IDE Development Platform, also called the Workbench. It describes the Workbench organization and the primary functions available through the menus and the toolbars.

Using the Workbench

The graphical user interface (GUI) of HighTec IDE Development Platform consists of views arranged in the Workbench, e.g., the Project Explorer view. An arrangement of different views is called a Perspective. Perspectives are either pre-defined or user-defined.

ide workbench
Fig. 1. HighTec IDE workbench
ID Element Description


Project Explorer

The Project Explorer displays all C/C++ projects in a workspace and allows you to edit projects and open editors. The default location of the Project Explorer view is on the left of the screen. See The Project Explorer view chapter for more details.


Menu bar

The menu bar is a primary interface for the users to access all the IDE functions and configuration. You can find it near the upper left corner of the screen.


Tool bar

The toolbar, located just below the menu bar, provides convenient shortcuts for frequently used functions. See Tool bar chapter for more details.


Editor view

The Editor view is in the center of the workbench. It is the common space to compose and update all your source code. Various types of source files can be opened here directly from the Project Explorer.


Perspectives bar

The perspectives bar in the upper right corner of the screen is an element for handling workbench perspectives, i.e., opening, closing, switching, customizing, saving and resetting perspectives.


Console view

The Console view displays the output log of processes engaged by the user actions. There are several consoles available. For example, the Build console captures all the messages produces during the build process. See Console view chapter for more details.


Properties view

The Properties view shows general information about the file selected in the Project Explorer.


Problems view

The Problems view displays the Error and Warning messages found during the project build The default location of the Problems view is on the bottom of the screen.



The notification icon shows number of the new notifications. By click to the icon you can open the Notification Queue where you can see details of all notifications.