Build steps

The IDE provides you a possibility, to execute custom pre-build and post-build commands.

The pre-build commands run before the main build process. for example, you can use these commands to preprocess your source files before the build.

The post-build commands run after the main build process. For example, you can use them to post-process the generated output like in case of generating MCS C-array from the elf file.

There are two ways how to configure pre-build and post-build steps. The basic and the advanced configuration. The basic configuration you can find under the menu Project  Properties  C/C++ Build  Settings  Build Steps. It allows you to configure commands on a single line, so it is more suitable for simple commands.

ide basic build steps
Fig. 1. Basic build steps configuration

The advanced configuration allows you a definition of complex commands having each parameter on a separate line. You can also specify the order of command execution as well as to enable or disable them.

You can reach the Advanced Build Steps configuration form the menu Project  Properties  C/C++ Build  Advanced Build Steps

ide advance build steps
Fig. 2. Advanced build steps configuration
Number Description


The list of pre-build commands.


The list of post-build commands.


Add build steps from the defined library.


Add new build step.


Remove selected build step.


Edit selected build step.


Enable / disable selected build step.


Move selected build step up in the list.


Move selected build step down in the list.

The Advanced Build Steps configuration offers a pre-defined set of some frequently used commands for both pre-build and post-build steps.


The pre-build library comes with these commands:

Name Description

Print compiler version

Prints the GCC compiler version into a log file.

Print LLVM compiler version

Prints the LLVM compiler version into a log file.


The post-build library comes with these commands:

Name Description

Generate C-Array

The .c and .h files containing the executable binary in the form of a C-Array variable can be generated using this post build step.


The command line tool tricore-strip removes unneeded information from the elf file.

Create disassemble

The tool objdump provides the functionality to create disassemble of the elf file.

Generate hex

The tool objcopy supports different output formats. To generate an Intel Hex format, you can use this post build step.

Generate srec

The tool objcopy can be used to generate S-records by using an output target of srec.

Section headers

The tool readelf provides the functionality to list all section headers.


The size of all output sections (e.g., code section .text) can be extracted with this post build step.

Click at the drop-down arrow of the Display Selected Console button at the Console view toolbar (console button) and choose the option Pre/Postbuild Console to see Pre/Post build commands output.

ide pre post build console
Fig. 3. Pre/Post build console