Manage license path

The License Paths specifies locations where the IDE search for either local or server licenses before a start of the application build. During the license validation, the toolchain is searching for a valid license at all defined locations.

During the first start, the IDE checks the HTC_LICENSES environment variable. If the variable contains valid directory location, the IDE sets it as a default path. Otherwise, it sets the C:\Users\<user-name>\user\HtcLicenses location as a default.

You can define more local and server locations, but you always have to set one directory path as default. When you add new license file manually or request to download evaluation license online, the IDE stores a license file to the default location.

The list of license location can contain these kinds of paths:

Tab. 1. Path Types
Icon Type Description

g2 list lic paths folder 16px

Local path

The location of the local directory.

g2 list lic paths folder default 16px

Local default path

The default location of the local directory where the IDE stores new license files.

g2 list lic paths server 16px

Server location

The license server address.

Add new local license path

To add a new local path, click to btnAddLocal button and browse for folder which contains a license(s). Then click btnOk. The new local path appears in the list of active locations.

Add new license server

To add a new license server, click to btnAddServer button. Add your server address and click btnOk. The new license server appears in the list of active locations.

ide add server
Fig. 1. Add new server address

Set a default license path

Select a non-default path (g2 list lic paths folder 16px) by setting the checkbox and click btnSetDefault. Once you set the path as a default, the path changes its icon (g2 list lic paths folder default 16px) and since that point, IDE stores all new licenses at this location.

NOTE: You always have to have at least one local path. You cannot set the server location as a default path.

Remove the license path

Select the path you want to remove by setting the checkbox. Then click to btnRemove. The removed path disappears from the list of active locations.

You cannot remove the default path. To remove the path selected as a default, you have first to set another location as a default and then delete given path location.