Mitigate project import problems

You can mitigate the problems during your project’s sharing between different IDE versions by ensuring the following recommendations.

Do not enable the Link Object feature if you plan to use your project in older IDE versions. If you already did "play around" with this feature, then you can mitigate the importing problems by the following steps:

  1. Open project setings from Project  Properties  C/C++ Build  Settings  Tool Settings  Object Files

  2. Select the project configuration (in the case you are using more than one, choose All configuration option)

  3. Clear Enable user-managed object file order option.

  4. Click to btnApply

  5. Set Enable user-managed object file order option.

  6. Click to btnApply

  7. Clear Enable user-managed object file order option.

  8. Click to btnApplyAndClose

ide link order mittigate problem
Fig. 1. Object FIles settings
Link object order

The procedure mentioned above is valid since IDE version 2.7.0