Terms & Abbreviations
- Project Explorer
The Project Explorer view provides a hierarchical view of resources in the Workbench. From here, you can open files for editing or select resources for operations such as exporting.
- License Manager
The License Manager provides information about all licensed toolchains. It also allows to request and install a new license.
- Toolchain Manager
The Toolchain Manager provides information about all installed toolchains as well as the capability to add, remove and enable/disable installed toolchain.
- View
Eclipse-based HighTec IDE provides views for navigating and changing the content. For example, the Project Explorer view allows you to browse and modify files of HighTec projects.
- The project
A project contains source code, makefiles, binaries, and other related files for building your application. It has an associated build toolchain and build configuration(s). Projects are displayed in the Project Explorer view.
- Active project
You can use the
toolbar icon to mark one of the projects displayed in the Project Explorer as active. See the Tool bar chapter. Some of the IDE control and menu actions apply only to the Active project, regardless if another project is actually selected in the Project Explorer. The Project Explorer shows the Active project’s name in the bold typeface and you may have a maximum of one project in a Workspace marked as active at any time.
- Workbench
The development environment integrating tools for the creation, management, and navigation of workspace resources. Each Workbench window contains one or more perspectives.
- Perspective
Perspective contains views and editors. It controls a content of specific menus and toolbars.
- Workspace
The workspace is the physical location (file path) where IDE stores meta-data containing preferences settings, plug-in specific metadata, logs, etc., and (optionally) your development artifacts. You can choose a workspace during HighTec IDE startup or via the
menu entry. - Toolchain
A toolchain is a set of programming tools to transform a source code to the desired output(s), either it is another source code, target binary or library.
- Build target
A build target is a string that is used to identify a build rule in your project. The build target contains information about the toolchain version and build configuration. E.g., [TriCore - iRAM].
- Main build
The sequence of commands to execute when a build is invoked, not including pre-build or post-build steps.
Integrated Development Environment
Graphical User Interface