Setting up a Project

This section describes how to work with projects in HighTec IDE. A project contains all the source and header files, memory mapping to a device described by the linker script as well as toolchain configuration. You need to create and configure a project first prior you can build it. Alternatively You also can import any already prepared project using the HighTec Content Manager.

Create a new HighTec project

The IDE provides a HighTec Project Wizard. The wizard guides you through the creation of a new project via several dialog pages. You proceed from one page to the next by clicking the btnNext arrow. You can always return to a previous page and change your settings by pressing the btnBack arrow. When you click the btnFinish, your settings are accepted, and the wizard is going to close and create the new project.

There are several alternative ways to start the HighTec Project Wizard:

Alternative 1

Right-click within the Project Explorer  New  HighTec Project

Alternative 2

Select the menu File  New  HighTec Project

Alternative 3

Click to New button at the Toolbar (new button) and from the wizard list choose the option HighTec  HighTec Project

Click to btnNext arrow.

Alternative 4

Click at the drop-down arrow of the New button at the Toolbar (new button drop down) and from the dropdown list choose the option HighTec Project.

In all cases, the HighTec Project Wizard page opens up.

ide new prj wizard2 1
Fig. 1. HighTec Project Wizard
  • Select the wizard type.

  • Click btnNext arrow to continue at the empty or advance project configuration page.

Empty project

ide new prj wizard2 empty 1
Fig. 2. Configure HighTec Empty Project
  • Enter the project name in the Project name text box.

  • To store the project in the workspace folder, keep the option Use default location selected. To save the project in another place, unselect the option and choose a different location.

  • Select the Project type (Executable/Library).

  • Select the project language (C/C++).

  • Select the project toolchain.

  • Choose configuration (only Default is available at the moment).

  • Click btnNext arrow to continue at the project summary page.

ide new prj wizard2 empty 2
Fig. 3. HighTec Empty Project Wizard - summary
  • Check the project configuration.

  • Click the btnFinish. The wizard closes, and you see the main window again.

The new empty project is now visible in Project Explorer, and you can start adding the project source files.

ide new prj wizard2 empty 3
Fig. 4. Empty HighTec Project

Advanced project

The advanced project wizard provides you an option to create a project, based on already prepared packages.

ide new prj wizard2 advanced 1
Fig. 5. Configure HighTec Advanced Project
  • Select the package content provider.

    • Online (default) - online package provider.

    • Offline - offline package content provider. See how to get and install Offline package HERE.

  • Select the package. Click btnNext arrow to continue at the project summary page.

ide new prj wizard2 advanced 2
Fig. 6. HighTec Advanced Project Wizard - summary
  • Check the project configuration.

  • Click the btnFinish. The wizard closes, and you see the main window again.

The created project is now visible in Project Explorer, and you can start editing the project source files.

ide new prj wizard2 advanced 3
Fig. 7. Empty HighTec Project

Legacy HighTec Project (deprecated)

There are several alternative ways to start the Legacy HighTec Project Wizard:

Alternative 1

Right-click within the Project Explorer  New  Project…​  HighTec  Legacy HighTec Project (deprecated)

Alternative 2

Select the menu File  New  Project…​  HighTec  Legacy HighTec Project (deprecated)

Alternative 3

Click to New button at the Toolbar (new button) and from the wizard list choose the option HighTec  Legacy HighTec Project (deprecated)

Click to btnNext arrow.

Alternative 4

Click at the drop-down arrow of the New button at the Toolbar (new button drop down) and from the dropdown list choose the option Project…​  HighTec  Legacy HighTec Project (deprecated).

In all cases, the Create new HighTec Project page opens up.

ide new prj wizard 1
Fig. 8. New project wizard
  • Enter the project name in the Project name text box.

  • To store the project in the workspace folder, keep the option Use default location selected.

  • To save the project in another place, unselect the option and choose a different location.

  • Click btnNext arrow to continue at the project configuration page.

ide new prj wizard 2
Fig. 9. Select project device
  • Select the Project toolchain version and architecture according to your device and HW environment.

  • Click the btnFinish. The wizard closes, and you see the main window again.

The new project is now visible in the Project Explorer, and you can start editing the project source files.