Add a new file to a Project

You can use the default HighTec project as a starting point for your software projects. If you want to extend the projects with a new source or header files, you have these alternatives:

Alternative 1

In the Project Explorer right-click on project name  New  select file type.

Alternative 2

Select the menu File  New  select file type.

Alternative 3

Click to the drop-down arrow of the New button (new button full) and select file type.

Specify a source folder and a name for the new file. Use the extension .c to handle C source files, the extension .cpp for C++ files and .S for assembler or PCP files. In the Template field, you can select a code template for your source file. Choose the Default C source template to insert a default code or None if you want to start with an empty file. To enable a standard design for source files you can use the btnConfigure dot button to place a predefined content in the template. When creating new C/C++ source and header files, the content is inserted automatically at the beginning of a file.

ide new source file details
Fig. 1. Add new file
  • Click to btnFinish creates a new source file.